Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stuff and Junk from inside my head

So today was my day 1 of week 5 of ZR5k and as I was jogging I went to that weird headspace where the chaos and anxiety of every day just sort of falls away.  This is the place where I ask myself the tough questions or plan my day or even give myself a bit of a ramble-y pep talk. (Logical flow is not my  friend)

I asked myself the question I've been asking myself since I started this blog, hell it's the reason I started the blog.

"If you knew that the body you have today would never change, how would you live?"

No gaining weight, no losing weight, hair isn't going to grow out, no laser treatments.  How would I live?  What would I do that I had put off til I was thinner, or prettier or whatever?

Today was the first day I could say that I wouldn't change a thing.  I've signed up for dance class, my jog is still a sad little shuffle, but it gets better every day and eventually I'm going to find the perfect red lipstick.

I know that week 5 is the week people start dropping out, but I'm going to tough this one out.

Stay Beautiful,


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