Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Coming Attractions and Kitten Video

We sits on her and keeps her from blogging.
Also, I have never set the date on my camera.
Well, I've got stuff for pants coming in the mail, so hopefully I can get that started next week. Also, I'm ordering stuff to dye my hair tomorrow and picking up an armband for my new phone. (I have a phone! It's new! and it works! More things with exclamation points!!!)

My red spot have faded and all my shoes fit, now I have shoes, jeans and fewer spots I should stop being such a shut in.

And now for something I hope you'll *really* like!  A few weeks ago we found some kittens in the yard, please enjoy some of their mange-y antics.

Featuring a cameo by Mr. Ish, yelling at the TV because I don't use water when I make fresh pasta.


PS Can my new battle cry be, "By the power of Chuck Taylor?"


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